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The world of AA experienced and observed from the inside
Lomer Pilote
Editeur: Les Editions Chapitre.com
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Lomer Pilote has been an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous for twenty-nine years. He has attended countless meetings and has witnessed thousands of individuals transform their lives by deciding to abstain entirely from alcohol. From 1992 to 1999, the author completed a doctoral program in religious sciences at the University of Québec at Montréal (UQAM) where he defended a dissertation exploring the AA movement. In his dissertation, he investigated the reasons for the AA movement’s astonishing efficacy in treating individuals with alcohol dependencies compared to the efficacy of programs designed by various religions and medical organizations. In this book, the author shares his own experience and addresses questions raised about the movement’s relevance and methodology. For seventy-five years, the author states, Alcoholics Anonymous members have proven that abstinence, solidarity, and consistent meeting attendance are the hallmarks of success. Lomer Pilote is currently retired from two careers: he was first as a surgeon, then a lawyer. He continues to attend AA meetings, both for his own benefit and to support new members. He credits the movement for the transformation that allowed him to live well into his eighties, and has dedicated his life to supporting its cause.