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A modern economic history of Africa
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
Editeur: Coédition NENA/CODESRIA
6,49 €

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The nineteenth century in Africa was a time of revolution and tumultuous change in virtually all spheres. Violent dry spells, the staggered abolition of the slave trade, mass migrations and an influx of new settlers characterized the century. Regional trade links grew stronger and stretched further. The century also saw the beginnings of the ruthless and bloody quest for foreign domination. This book is a brilliant synthesis of Africa's economic history of the nineteenth century. Five parts focus on the environment and demography, agricultural production, mining and manufacturing, domestic and regional trade, and international trade and imperialism. While taking account of the many and contradictory interpretations of the period, the book reveals the complexity and diversity of African economies. Along the way it explodes countless myths and stereotypes that have built up around them. The exhaustive reference section itself is an essential research tool. Along with volume two, which analyses the twentieth century, these books must form the bedrock of any study or research into the continent's social and economic past.