grande couv
Ibbo Mandaza
Editeur: Coédition NENA/CODESRIA
9,49 €

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Zimbabwe : The Political Economy of Transition focuses on the relationship between the imperialist and white settler colonial legacy on the one hand, and the pattern of political and socio-eonomic development in the post-independence era on the other. To what extent and with what consequences does this legacy-its political, economic, social, cultural and ideological manifestations-constitute structural limitations on the developmental momentum and ambitions of Zimbabwe? Given the nature and history of the National Liberation Movement, its class and ideological content, how is the new state in Zimbabwe to be characterized in terms of new alliances and stances, and in the light of the current configuration of forces at the regional and global levels? And, therefore, what have been the achievements and pitfalls? And, on the basis of such analyses, what of the future?