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Leadership and crises in nigerian universities
Caroline Okumdi Muoghalu
Editeur: Coédition NENA/CODESRIA
6,49 €

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Currently, globalization has made it necessary that universities operate optimally in order to compete effectively globally. In this regard, crises in Nigerian universities constitute a barrier to this goal and to sustainable development. The book-leadership and crises in Nigerian universities : Can women make a difference ? is a phenomenal book which was inspired by incessant crises in Nigerian universities. The book discussed the crises in these universities in all its ramifcations. Importantly, in all these discussions, the book traced this problem to men's autocratic leadership style and established that bringing women into university leadership can actually make a difference in minimizing or eradicating these crises. I describe this book as a book of the moment because as we speak, a lot of crises are going on in universities in Nigeria. As such, providing an alternative leadership model in universities becomes very imperative and this is what this book has achieved. I therefore have no doubt that policy makers, university administrators and other university stakeholders will fnd the book interesting, informative and a great resource in our national and continental march towards building effective and effcient university organization in a globalized world.