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Summary: Crowdsourcing
BusinessNews Publishing
Editeur: Business Book Summaries
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The must-read summary of Jeff Howe's book: "Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business". 

This complete summary of the ideas from Jeff Howe's book "Crowdsourcing" explains that “crowdsourcing” is the act of taking a task traditionally performed by a designated agent (such as an employee or a contractor) and outsourcing it by making an open call to an undefined but large group of people. In fact, crowdsourcing allows the power of the crowd to accomplish tasks that were once the province of just a specialised few. Or to put it another way, crowdsourcing is to take the principles which have worked for open source software projects and apply them right across the entire spectrum of the business world.

Added-value of this book:
• Save time
• Understand the key concepts 
• Increase your business knowledge 

To learn more, read "Crowdsourcing" and discover why the power of the crowd is driving the future of business.