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The Urgency of Ethics
Emmanuel Toniutti
Editeur: Éditions IECG
19,99 €

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Born in 1968, Emmanuel Toniutti graduated from Laval University, Quebec, Canada with a PhD in theology. President of the International Ethics Consulting Group (IECG - contact@iecg.eu.com) since 2005, he is a company director and has been actively coaching directors for 10 years.

To date, he carries out the coordination of IECG’s international activities and accompanies corporate management committees in the operational implementation of responsible leadership models coherent with their strategy. Equally, Emmanuel Toniutti teaches business ethics and corporate social responsibility as an affiliated Professor and guest throughout various business schools, universities and associations for directors stretching from North America, China, Europe and North Africa.

This interview with Alain Mainguy (Director of the Professional Business Centre – Centre de perfectionnement aux affaires) aims at an open dialogue on the business world, culture and the way in which we, directors, can reconcile humanist thinking and performance, in being the “influencers”, even conveyors of sense in order to give another vision for the world of business.